
Cookies policy

The following information is intended to provide you with more details about the placement, use and management of cookies used by the website. www.sailarmada.com / www.capetan.club / www.capetancharter.com . There are also some useful links related to this topic. In case you need more information and it is not listed below, you can contact us at [email protected].
This website is the property of Sail Armada SRL, Calea Vitan 119 Bucuresti, Romania and uses cookies to provide visitors with a better browsing experience and services tailored to their needs and interests. In what we call "web 2.0", "cookies" play an important role in facilitating access to and delivery of the many services users enjoy on the Internet, such as:

  • customising certain settings such as: the language in which a site is viewed, the currency in which certain prices or tariffs are expressed, keeping options for various products (sizes, other details, etc.) in the shopping cart (and storing these options) - thus generating the flexibility of the "shopping cart" (accessing old preferences by pressing the "forward" and "back" buttons);
  • Cookies provide site owners with valuable feedback on how their sites are being used, so they can make them more effective and accessible to users;
  • allow multimedia or other applications from other sites to be included on a particular site to create a more valuable, useful and enjoyable browsing experience;
  • improve the efficiency of online advertising.

What is a cookie?

An "Internet Cookie" (also known as a "browser cookie", "HTTP cookie" or simply "cookie") is a small file of letters and numbers that will be stored on a user's computer, mobile device or other equipment from which the Internet is accessed.
The cookie is installed by a request issued by a web-server to a browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Chrome) and is completely "passive" (contains no software, viruses or spyware and cannot access information on the user's hard drive).
A cookie consists of 2 parts: the name and the content or value of the cookie. Furthermore, the lifetime of a cookie is determined; technically, only the webserver that sent the cookie can access it again when a user returns to the website associated with that webserver.
Cookies themselves do not require personal information in order to be used and, in most cases, do not personally identify Internet users.

There are 2 broad categories of cookies:

  • Session cookies: these are temporarily stored in the web browser's cookie folder so that the browser remembers them until the user exits the website or closes the browser window (e.g. when logging in/out of a webmail account or social network).
  • Persistent cookies: these are stored on a computer's or device's hard drive (and generally depend on the cookie's default lifetime). Persistent cookies also include those placed by a website other than the one the user is currently visiting - known as "third party cookies" - which can be used anonymously to remember a user's interests in order to deliver the most relevant advertising to users.

What are the advantages of cookies?

A cookie contains information that links a web-browser (the user) to a specific web-server (the website). If a browser accesses that web-server again, it can read the information already stored and react accordingly. Cookies provide users with a pleasant browsing experience and support the efforts of many websites to provide convenient services to users: e.g. online privacy preferences, site language options, shopping carts or relevant advertising.

What is the lifetime of a cookie?

Cookies are managed by web servers. The lifetime of a cookie can vary significantly, depending on the purpose for which it is placed. Some cookies are used exclusively for a single session (session cookies) and are no longer retained once the user has left the website and some cookies are retained and reused each time the user returns to that website ('permanent cookies'). However, cookies can be deleted by a user at any time via the browser settings.

What are third party cookies?

Certain sections of content on some sites may be provided through third parties/suppliers (e.g. a news box, a video or an advertisement). These third parties may also place cookies through the site and they are called "third party cookies" because they are not placed by the owner of that website. Third party providers must also comply with applicable law and the privacy policies of the site owner.

How cookies are used by this site

A visit to this site may place cookies for the purposes of tailoring each site:

  • Site performance cookies
  • Visitor analytics cookies
  • Cookies for geotargeting
  • Registration cookies
  • Advertising cookies

These cookies may come from the following third parties:

  1. Performance cookies

This type of cookie retains the user's preferences on this site, so there is no need to set them each time you visit the site. Examples: - video player volume settings - video streaming speed that the browser is compatible with Visitor analytics cookies Each time a user visits this site, analytics software provided by a third party generates a user analytics cookie. This cookie tells us whether you have visited this site before. Your browser will tell us if you have this cookie, and if not, we will generate one. It allows us to track unique users who visit us and how often they do so. As long as you are not registered on this site, this cookie cannot be used to identify individuals, they are only used for statistical purposes. If you are registered, we may also know the details you have provided to us, such as your email address and username - these are subject to the privacy and data protection legislation in force.

  1. Cookies for geotargeting

These cookies are used by software that determines which country you are from. It is completely anonymous and is only used to target content.

  1. Cookies for registration

When you register on this site, we generate a cookie that tells us whether you are registered or not. Our servers use these cookies to show us which account you are registered with and whether you have permission for a particular service.

  1. Advertising cookies

These cookies allow us to know whether or not you have viewed an online advertisement, what type of advertisement it is and how long it has been since you saw the advertisement. We also use these cookies to target online advertising. We may also use cookies belonging to a third party to better target advertising, for example, to show holiday adverts if the user has recently visited an article on the site about holidays. These cookies are anonymous, they store information about the content viewed, not about users. We also set anonymous cookies through other sites we advertise on. By receiving them, we can then use them to recognize you as a visitor to that site if you subsequently visit our site, we will be able to deliver advertising to you based on this information.

  1. Other third party cookies

On some pages, third parties may set their own anonymous cookies in order to track the success of an application or to customize an application. Due to the way of use, this site cannot access these cookies, just as third parties cannot access cookies held by this site. For example, when you share an article using the social network button on this site, that social network will record your activity.

How can I stop cookies?

Disabling and refusing to receive cookies may make certain sites unusable or difficult to visit and use. Also, refusing to accept cookies does not mean that you will no longer receive/see online advertising.

It is possible to set your browser to stop accepting cookies or you can set your browser to accept cookies from a specific site. But, for example, if you are not registered using cookies, you will not be able to leave comments. All modern browsers offer the possibility to change cookie settings. These settings are usually found in the "options" or "preferences" menu of your browser. To understand these settings, the following links may be useful, otherwise you can use your browser's "help" option for more details:

For third-party cookie settings, you can also consult the website: https://www.youronlinechoices.com/ro/.

Useful links

If you want to know more about cookies and what they are used for, we recommend the following links:

It is possible to set your browser to stop accepting cookies or you can set your browser to accept cookies from a specific site. But, for example, if you are not registered using cookies, you will not be able to leave comments. All modern browsers offer the possibility to change cookie settings. These settings are usually found in the "options" or "preferences" menu of your browser. To understand these settings, the following links may be useful, otherwise you can use your browser's "help" option for more details:

IAB Romania provides the following website to provide more information on privacy related to online advertising: https://www.youronlinechoices.com/ro/.

This site uses cookies. We use cookies to personalize content and ads, provide social networking features and analyze traffic. We also provide social networking, advertising and analytics partners with information about how you use our site. They may combine it with other information you provide or gather from your use of their services. If you choose to continue using our website, you consent to our use of cookies.

Cookies are small text files that can be used by websites to make their use more efficient.

The law stipulates that we may store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of this website. For all other types of cookies we need your permission.

This site uses different types of cookies. Some cookies are placed by third party services that appear on our pages.

You may, at any time, change or withdraw your consent from the Cookie Statement on our website.

Find out more about who we are, how you can contact us and how we process personal data in our Privacy Policy.

Your consent applies to the following areas: www.sailarmada.com / www.capetan.club / www.capetancharter.com

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